Specialty − “Social work”
Qualification − specialist of social work
Duration of the course − 5 years
The faculty of social work is one of the first faculties
established in 1991. During the last 15 years the faculty has
prepared more than 500 specialists of social work who proved their
knowledge and who are in great demand of the services of social
protection of the population.
Nowadays 5 Doctors of Science and 16 candidates of Science work at
the faculty. The curriculum includes general-mathematical and
natural-scientific, general-humanitarian and social-economical
blocs. During graduate courses students learn thoroughly the
specialization in two ways: “Social work in Public Health” and
“Social rehabilitation of children with limited capacities”.
Specialists of social work are allowed to render professional
practical activity in social services, organizations and
establishments; to give social support to people and families; to
organize and coordinate social work for people who have special
needs, limited capacities, people who have returned from special
institutions and institutions of confinement; to carry out research
analytical activity (analysis and forecasting, development of
social projects and technologies); to take part in organizational
and administrative work of social services, organizations and
establishments; to assist various state and social organizations
and establishments in giving necessary social protection and
support to the population.
Dean of the Faculty of Social