Office of The Rectorate Advisor


The Rectorate Advisor office is responsible for providing support and guidance to prospective students during their Application and admission stages.


The Rectorate Advisor:

  1. Collects and analyzes information about strategy, issues of training and education, the government policy in the sphere of science, education and training of international students;

  2. Participates in the preparation of analytical reports, reports and other materials for teaching international students at the university;

  3. Participates in the preparation of the rector meetings with representatives of the foreign embassies;

  4. Participates in the preparation of meetings of international students with the rector of the university, law enforcement and other government organizations;

  5. Advising the rector, vice-rectors and other employees on recruitment and training of international students;

  6. Advising international students on financial, social, visa requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation;

  7. Decide on issues concerning newly arrived foreign students transportation from Moscow to the university and assist in escorting expelled international students to their homeland;

  8. Assisting the university in preparing and conducting of mass cultural and sports activities with the participation of international students;

  9. Assisting the university in providing international students the educational literature;

  10. Assist in dealing with the issues on debt payments for training of international students;

  11. Performs the instructions of the Rector;

  12. Generates the necessary proposals, recommendations for improving the university performance in teaching foreign students.

Rectorate Advisor of KSMU: Dr. Mohamad Chahine, Eng. Phd


Tel/Fax: +7 4712 513748



Address: Kursk State Medical University

C/O Mohammed Chahine
Karl Marx No.3, Main Campus, office 127
Kursk city, index: 305041, Russia.