Kursk State Medical University Structure


Kursk State Medical University serves a student population of over 5,000. The staff body consists of 633 academic staff of which there are 333 Ph.D and 92 D.Sc academics accross. The university consists of 14 faculties and 67 departments situated accross four teaching buildings.

Within the structure of KSMU we also have a Research Institute of Ecological Medicine as well as a consulting diagnostic policlinic and medical institute. To date KSMU has trained over 25,000 medical professionals.

The University comprises the following structural subdivisions:

1. 14 faculties, 67 departments.

2. Consulting and diagnostic polyclinic.

3. Research Institute of Ecological Medicine.

4. Teaching and auxiliary subdivisions: editorial and publishing department, centre for information technologies of teaching, teaching and methodical administration, Central methodical Council.

5. Administrative subdivisions: Academic Council of the University, the University administration, dean’s offices, interfaculty boards, student clerical office, staff administration, patent group, scientific and medical information department, research sector, departments of post-graduate training and clinical specialization, economical activity administration, administration for international relations and other auxiliary departments. Socio-scientific subdivisions are also available at the University: Central problem commission, scientific problem commissions, thesis councils, young scientists’ council, student scientific society.

Material and technical departments: vivarium, engineering group for medical equipment and metrology, campus service.

The University provides training in 10 specialties: General Medicine, Pediatrics, Medico-Prevention Management, Stomatology, Pharmacy (full-time and correspondence course), Clinical Psychology (full-time training), Nursing (full-time and correspondence training), Social work (full-time training and externship), Economics and Management at an Enterprise of Public Health (full-time and correspondence training, externship), Biotechnology (full-time and correspondence training)