KSMU was established on 1st September 1935
by order of the Board of Public Commissioners of the RSFSR.
The order, issued by Kaminski on the 7th of May, 1935 stated
the following: 'To begin the organization of a medical institute in
Kursk with the admission of 250 people as first-year students in
1935 and establish the 1st of September, 1935 as the date of the
beginning classes’. Since that day the university has strived to
achieve the highest standard in modern medical training and
Directors (later on rectors) from various scientific schools who had different levels of training and scientific interests made a major contribution to the development of the medical institute. But they were knit together by love of their alma mater, desire for its development and prosperity, providing of effectiveness of all kinds of activities. They were selfless in achieving of their aims. On the 30th of June, 1940 the first graduation ceremony of 186 young specialists took place. The Public Commissioner of Public Health of the RSFSR attended the solemn meeting devoted to that event.
On the 22d of June, 1941 a peaceful working life was obstructed with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, on the 8th of October, 1941 more than 300 workers and students, some equipment, work-books and other property were evacuated to Alma-Ata. Only on the 5th of July, 1944 the workers of the institute and students came back and some property was returned form Alma-Ata to Kursk. In 1945 the graduation ceremony of 34 doctors took place.
In 1960s and 1970s the structure of the institute continued forming, the admission of students increased, the Part-Time Department was opened. In 1966 the Pharmaceutical Faculty was organized, in 1972 – the Pre-Medical Department, in 1976 – the Faculty of Further Training of teachers of pharmaceutical and medical colleges.
At the Medical Faculty the departments of tuberculosis, radiology, traumatology with courses of orthopedics and battle-field surgery were opened. At the Pharmaceutical Faculty the departments of organic chemistry, pharmakognosy, pharmchemistry, the technology of drugs, the organization and economics of the pharmaceutical affair were opened. The scientific and research basis increased, a lot of attention was paid to training of the personnel.
In the 80s a new educational building, houses for the personnel, a new sport hall with shooting saloon, two students’ hostels were constructed, the central studying corpus was converted. Scientific-Research Institute of Ecological Medicine was opened on the basis of Central Scientific-Research Laboratory .
In 1984 Kursk Medical Institute became the institute of the first category, in 1985 it was awarded with Red Flag Order, in 1994 the institute received the status of the university.